WSP started as a small quality focussed physiotherapy clinic in Wellington. As we got bigger we opened more community locations and founded The Physio Spot social enterprise to broaden our reach and ensure we are inclusive to all.

We all have a body that sometimes needs help to recover from injury or to move better and stronger. Haere mai! Ps. There are no silly questions, if you think physio may help, contact us. No referral needed - Book Now!
“We like to move it, move it!” Sometimes it’s about the little things, for our older adult clients in residential care settings it might be about walking to lunch. For our city clients often it’s about getting back to what they love after injury, be it a morning run by the waterfront or a surf in the bay. For our team it’s about walking the talk.
Our WSP whanau of physiotherapists and support staff focus on manaakitanga, looking after our clients and mahi tahi together to achieve better outcomes.