Training for independence

This service is designed to help people restore independence in their community, as much as is practicable, following an ACC injury.

Who is this service for?

The Training for Independence (TI) services support ACC's community rehabilitation services. You may be eligible if you have an ACC claim and ACC authorize the TI service.

There are certain criteria for who would be suitable, but it can be for people who are either in or out of the workforce and also for people living in residential care or in their own home.

Within our Training for Independence service, we work with a number of Elderly Care facilities to assist people to return to their previous level of care following an injury.

What does the service involve?

The purpose of the TI services is to:

  • restore and/or maintain, your independence and ability to participate in everyday activities and within your wider community to the maximum extent practicable; and
  • reduce your likely need for further rehabilitation

Each of our Training for Independence services are unique and designed to meet the needs of the individual. At the start of the service, our physiotherapist would meet with you and find out your goals and then design the service from there. Sometimes it will include input from other health care providers, alongside the physiotherapy.

The service could involve a range of things such as an exercise programme run at our clinic or another exercise facility, home visits, setting up equipment or assisting people to get back into their community and using public transport again.

How to access this service

If eligible, your ACC case manager will need to refer you for a TI programme via the ACC contract holder.

If you would like to learn more about this service, please contact us at and we’ll put you in touch with one of our physiotherapists.